What’s a woman-specific cultural thing that you love?

  1. During carnival where I live there is one day called women’s carnival (the last thursday before lent) where a lot of the events are women-only. Most fun day of the year to go out.

  2. Using the men’s restroom instead of the women’s when at the beach because the lines for the former are non-existent (seriously, their bathrooms are usually empty) whereas the women’s is always a mile long and the bathroom is packed to the brim with other ladies and the kids!

  3. The nightclub toilets, the most supportive environment in the world. Everyone is beautiful, there are no such things as insecurities. We all love each other. If we could replicate that minus the outfits and the alcohol the world would be perfect.

  4. The fact that we can raid each other’s closets in case we need something. I have a group of friends (we are all married 30+ ladies), and everytime one of us has an event we ask if anyone has a dress we can borrow. There is a dress that has been to several random weddings.

  5. Club/bar bathroom culture. No one has ever been faster to say “I love you” to a stranger.

  6. When it comes to my Mexican heritage the idea that it takes a village to raise a child is about as accurate as it comes.

    I was there with my 2 kids visiting family. My cousins changed my daughter’s diaper without me even realizing it. And I told her she didn’t have to. Her response? “You looked like you needed a break”

    I know it kind of sucks when women get forced into that childcare role. But it is so nice to have a whole village. Naps, feedings, diaper changes, baths, just holding the baby.

    It can get a little weird when you’re at a block party and some lady you never met is feeding your child. But it’s also nice.

  7. Letting each other know about a popped off button, skirt in thights, transparent clothing,lettuce in between teeth… You know, all the small details

  8. So much comfort stuff is marketed to us. Fuzzy socks, soft blankets, scented lotions, all of it. I’ve found that men love this stuff too but they aren’t conditioned to get it for themselves. And people aren’t very likely to buy it for them!

    I get cozy stuff all the time and it’s awesome 😎

  9. Getting a manicure/pedicure. Men can go, but it’s so rare, and it feels so nice to be relaxed in public for once.

  10. Telling a random woman how beautiful she is, while drunk in the women’s restroom.


  11. The traditional dance of my culture. It’s open to all genders but dancers are predominantly female and it is one of the most powerful display of femininity in any culture in my opinion. As one of the thousands of girls who grew up hurrying to dance class thrice a week, practicing through bruised feet, being late to class with my dupatta tied wrong and joining the choreography mid song, there is nowhere else on earth I felt safer than in then sisterhood of those women decked in a dance saree and moving like waves to a song. It was my earliest lesson in having pride in my womanhood. There was an added bonus of getting to play countless goddesses and pretend-killing many demons as well 🙂

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