I’m gonna try to shorten this as much as I can- basically there is a language class that’s offered next year at my college that I’m not sure I want to take. I took the beginner class this past semester & while I enjoyed learning the language, I didn’t enjoy going to class at times. I always felt like an outsider, it’s a very small class (like 10-15 students) and every single person including the professor is extremely outgoing & bubbly while I’m really awkward and quiet and shy.

Everyone’s nice but bc of my anxiety I’m so awkward and am also the worst in the class bc when we have to communicate I freeze up and sign the wrong thing and whenever I’m mentioned in class I get long awkward silences from my classmates and it makes me feel bad. I always try to be open and try to talk more since I know they don’t know me well but there are times when I dreaded going to class. I don’t know if I should take the next level of it… there are no online classes and the class size will be a bit smaller. what would you do?

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