My boyfriend of 3 months dumped me on Christmas Day because of a joke I made about swimming in my knickers because I didn’t have a swimsuit. The issue is my ex was going to be there because we have a daughter together but my boyfriend has met my ex a few times and said he was fine with it. When I explained I was joking about swimming in my knickers, he said he felt disrespected. He was supposed to visit me that night but he decided not to come which really upset me and made me cry. He then said I was playing the victim. A few hours later, I text him saying I’d love to see him and he sent a nasty message back. I didn’t reply then he called and ended our relationship. The next day he apologised and said he could explain and asked to meet but wanted to have sex before talking! I said I couldn’t do that and we met in a pub. I thought he’d apologise and explain but he called me manipulative, narcissistic, thick etc and I told him he had a lot of trauma and he was projecting it on me. Somehow we made up, he told me he loved me ( he’s said that repeatedly over the last month or so) and that I was his girlfriend again. We slept together a few times then he ended it again the next day. Am I an absolute mug and have I been completely used? We were planning holidays together and he met my daughter because I thought it was serious. I feel like such an idiot!

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