Ladies , what is one thing you did in 2023 that you’re proud of ?

  1. Made it through a pretty trying year and persevered to the desired outcomes in a number of difficult situations without one single argument with anyone — family, friends, acquaintances, fellow volunteers, neighbors, tradespeople or strangers.

  2. I finally got to sit down and plan out long term goals. It took me years to be able to “see a future” for myself. Very happy about it

  3. Finished my college semester with good grades. Next year I’m tackling calculus and chemistry. School had been really hard since I have kids to take care of, but I’m so proud of myself for not only finishing my courses, but doing really well.

  4. Started seeing professionals to improve my mental health. I’m up voting every post in here, you are all awesome.

  5. It’s not a big one but I am super proud of it – I stopped picking at my skin completely!

    I’ll do an extraction here or there but NOTHING like previous years.

  6. After months of applying and getting nothing but rejections, I finally landed a job in my master’s field and love it!

  7. I don’t make new years resolutions and I just happened to sign up at the gym on Jan 5th. I’ve lost 25 pounds since then and have lost 60 pounds overall.

    What I’m proud of is I used to only use the cardio machines and I love using weights now. I’ve wanted to for a while and I finally got a personal trainer to show me proper form for stuff. I’m consistent, look forward to the gym, plan my day around it, and have had very few excuses.

  8. I finally admitted I was depressed and started seeing a therapist. After two egg retrievals and three failed IVF transfers, finding out my grandma had colon cancer that spread to her ovaries, having a friendship ending fight with my best friend, and fighting more with my husband, I finally broke. I couldn’t put on a pretend happy face anymore and pretend like I was ok. Acknowledging that and asking my loved ones for help and support was huge for me and I’m proud I finally let myself be vulnerable.

  9. I gave birth. I was terrified. But it went without complications, and I have an incredible baby! 36 hours, the last 2 pushing. And then I was able to breastfeed. I knew birth was hard, but no one told me about breastfeeding!!!!

  10. I took charge of my own happiness and left a 5 year relationship. Then, I solo traveled in Portugal for two weeks.

  11. Made about 100 crow friends (harder than it sounds) They come to my porch every morning. My neighbors probably think I’m a witch lol.

  12. Lost 90# (surgery) and have a whole new outlook on food and movement.

    Stepped back from my job of six years and took a different position to better my life—it was really hard to leave my amazing crew but I’m so much happier.

  13. I made huge strides in trusting myself this year- 2023 had unexpected changes of location, relationships, and work. I told someone in May that I had no idea how to trust any decision I wanted to make because I’d made such poor ones recently, knowing they were against my best interest. With lots of self reflection, now in Dec I can say I trust my choices!!

  14. Completed 7 months of Physical therapy school and moved across the country to start fresh! I needed this year tbh. It was a challenge but Im so happy I took the risk

  15. I went back to college! I just started in October and finished my first term (8 weeks). Got an A in both of my classes.

  16. Went back to my job at 100%. I work in the architecture/construction field, inspecting building conditions (prior to, during, and after construction work). I spend a lot of time on suspended scaffolds up to 50 stories up. Last year I was diagnosed with rectal cancer and this year it all culminated in two surgeries earlier this year to remove those parts. I’m cancer-free but have short-term, long-term, and life long issues from it all. I thought my life was over, I wouldn’t be able to get back to work or even to normal life, or travel. It’s a dream job, I want to do this for a long time. 2 months after the last surgery I was back in my first suspended scaffold 50 stories above fifth avenue in NYC. I nearly cried. I’ve got a long way to go and will never be normal again but I’m damn proud that I refused to let it all get me down or get me out of life.

  17. I cut my dad off! I told him to fuck off on the phone and then sent him a message saying to cut me out of the will and have fun putting women above his kids yet again, then I waited til it said delivered and then blocked him on everything. It felt really good to do. I wish I could go back in time to one of the times I was crying over something he said to me or did and tell little me that one day the tables will turn and it’ll feel great.

    Oh also my husband and I bought a house. I’m pretty proud of that too.

  18. Took a second job.

    Though I’m not complaining about the added financial benefit, it was done moreso to *productively* channel my extra physical, mental, and emotional energy. Making much better choices at 38-39 years old than the ones I made 20 years ago

  19. I bought a motorcycle and passed my mfs course 👏🏻 I’ve been riding every clear day there is. Usually solo but ultimately living my best life.

  20. I moved out of my parents house, got a new job, got a new puppy, got a half sleeve tattoo that i’ve always wanted, started the gym as a routine

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