I am 35 now and although I was never the life of the party, i was active throughout. Everyone tells me i look worn-out now

How do you keeo your energy and your zest for life alive all day?

  1. If you’re feeling greater fatigue levels and reduce motivation I would suggest going to your primary care physician and have your testosterone levels tested. As a man ages once testosterone will go down which will cause the types of things you are potentially describing

  2. You have to eat right because the body begins to change in our mid-30s.

    I’m 51, stopped drinking at 44. Eating a very healthy diet and run 3 times a week.

    I have tons of energy and don’t really get tired or lethargic.

    It starts with diet. You might think it’s healthy but it might be just healthy compared to people you know.

  3. Get your testosterone tested.

    Over the last few years I gained 70lb, lost focus, got lazy, etc etc.

    Got tested for low-T and lo and behold, im at 177 which is terrible for a 35 year old. I should be getting my first batch of testosterone next week.

  4. Black tea and green tea. Gives a much more sustainable energy than coffee does, for me.
    Also a regular bedtime and sleep schedule.

  5. I do breathing exercises almost every day, and drink lots of water (about 3-4 gulps every 30-60 minutes). I also try to walk 30 minutes during lunch.

    I still have tired days, but I don’t start to crash until between 10 and midnight depending on if I’m doing anything, or just watching tv. Also, I don’t look nearly as tired now.

  6. I have been taking creatine as part of my gym routine and noticed significant boosts in my energy levels. Even when I’m breaking from my gym routine I continue with it

  7. Eat right, exercise, and get your T levels checked. Accept that if you could sacrifice sleep in your youth, you’re going to need that time now. Also bedtimes & rising times are starting to skew earlier for me.

  8. I can’t advise on the exercise / diet thing, but I can say I’ve learned that as you get older, you have to make active inputs to just maintain the status quo of health and energy. Sometimes that input is decisions around what to cut out, too.

  9. I try to be present with the ones I love when I can, and remind myself to turn off my work brain (including work anxieties) when 5 or so rolls around. It often takes many self-reminders.

    I do creative hobbies, at least a little a day (e.g. sing a couple songs w/ guitar).

    I also exercise and try to drink enough water and healthy-ish food, although I do enjoy snacks and drink more alcohol than I should.

    I also take a low-ish dose of an SSRI. I pushed through depression/anger for many years (decades?) and wish I’d tried it sooner.

    I also sometimes just “decide” that sure, I’m gonna be tired today, but why let that stop me?

    I also veg the fuck out occasionally. Not unhealthily, but in our family we definitely rest for a good chunk of the weekend.

  10. Intermittent fasting, gym in the morning on empty stomach, coffee, eat well, cut out any booze during the week, sleep at least 7 hrs!

    Essentially – discipline.

  11. Exercise, getting good sleep (thanks to my CPAP), and trying to avoid alcohol.

  12. I eat well and exercise every day. Not a “moderate walk”, real exercise where you’re sweating and breathing hard. Mobility work/yoga also if you aren’t fairly mobile.

    Also good sleep!

  13. Quality nutrition (less intake than you think you need, generally), quality sleep, lots of water, little to no booze, regular fitness and an ongoing commitment to minimize unnecessary stress.

  14. Take shilajit. Its name translates to ‘destroyer of weakness’. Works better if you exercise shortly after taking

  15. Lots of healthy, home-cooked meals, I rarely drink on the weekdays, and I try to get at least 8 hours of good sleep a night.


    I workout 3 – 4 days a week, either cardio (running) or weight lifting.

  16. Workout. If your out of shape you’d be shocked at how bad it is.

    Diet. Ordering pizza for lunch would knock me out like a sleeping pill. Eat real food

  17. Hows your diet and rest? Sleep is underrated in the western world.

    Whats your job like?

  18. Working out, nature, meditation, proper diet, proper sleep if possible, breathing correctly, lion’s mane, caffeine, multivitamin, staying hydrated, etc

  19. I make sure I spend time outside. I also choose a job that gives me exercise but doesn’t break my body. At 38 I feel pretty good

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