So I really really like this guy. Like every time I think about him or see something that reminds me of him I get butterflies in my tummy.

I finally decided to talk to him but I wasn’t going to school bc I was sick so I messaged him on Instagram and we had the shortest conversation ever. After I asked him a question about the class we where in together he responded with one word so I left it.

A few days later he added me on Snapchat BY search. So he actively wanted my snap bc he searched it up, and that’s bold bc everyone knows that you can see when someone adds you by search. We started talking and the conversation was short again. He also mentioned that he was with his friends, and I’m not trying to be cocky but I think he was talking about me to his friends, because I can’t speak for guys but when me and my girlfriends are all hanging out together we usually snap the guys we like so that we can show each other what our crushes look like you know.

Anyways as I was saying the conversation was pretty short before it came to an end. We just snapped for a few days, and I would try to restart the conversation every now and then by saying stuff like “that’s a nice view wya” and “aw that dog is so cute what’s its name”. He would always respond with one word so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and came to the conclusion that he was just a bad texter, bc he would also say awkward things like “what da dawg doin” and last night he send me a picture of a water bottle and all he said was “waduer”….

He leaves me on delivered for multiple hours a day, it’s not because he’s off-line bc I’ll see that he was active 11 minutes ago but I’m still on delivered. And it’s so hard to talk to him.

So I can’t tell if he’s just an awkward boy bc we are both just dumb high school teens, or if he’s not interested, or if he’s playing games? What do you think? And what should I do?

I’d also like to add that I haven’t seen him in person in a while. I was out of school for over a week because of meningitis and then the week after that was spring break so I haven’t seen him in person in a while. I’ll be seeing him in person for the first time in a while tomorrow.

  1. God I don’t miss being 15, this is an excruciating amount of focus to put into little things that probably have no significance.

    Just say hi to him when you see him in person and talk to him online when you feel like it. If he doesn’t respond or you don’t want to do it anymore, then stop. It’s not a big deal either way.

  2. Don’t put too much thought into it you guys are gonna change over time anyways but he definitely sounds the awkward type so you maybe have to be a bit more forward try asking to hang and see if he’s different in person not around friends or anything. Guys that age definitely act tough or something around friends for some reason. Try complimenting him or small things. Good luck

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