(Ok so I guess I should start with the problem.) I feel lonely. I have tried and tried to get a date but most of the time it fails and the times I do get a gf it mostly ends horribly I only really had like 3 relationships that didnt end poorly. People say you need to be complete in order to find someone or you still have your whole life to find someone. I have heard that over and over again. Im just scared that I will end up alone for the rest of my life. The day’s pass by and I feel terrible because I look around and see so many couples around school that are so happy and heck even some of those couples are with people who I know who are terrible fucking assholes. Yet why do they get to be happy and I have to struggle. I feel so alone and I want someone who can love me.

(For the next part I think sharing stuff about myself will probably help when it comes to peoples responses) Im a male who at the time of making this is 17 almost 18. Im 5’6 and skinny. The few times that I have dating someone they said I was always really nice and funny. When I do date someone I want to make sure they feel loved and appreciated so im always super nice/caring/loving/doing my best to make them happy and I want to spend my time with them because that’s what makes me happy. But that apparently makes me too clingy according to an EX of mine. I do have Depression/ADHD/OCD/ADD/Anxiety. (Well that is all im going to share unless people ask for me to share more because atm I dont know what else to add. Thank you for reading and please be nice in your replies. My self-esteem is like glass)

1 comment
  1. Alright.

    Cast off the expectation that someone trying to tell you something real gives a damn about your soft spots.

    I don’t have the energy to entertain that.

    Inner peace is not found anywhere outside of the self.

    You’re young, and not done growing, now is the most important time to focus your attention on you. Now is the time to date yourself and learn to love yourself and, if you find that impossible, to grow into the man you want to be.

    Every day should be another small step to steer towards being the man you want to be. Until then, do women a favor and leave them alone.

    Two broken people don’t make a whole person, just a huge codependent mess.


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