Trying to figure out how to best handle a situation at a gym. Im a 33 year old woman, I go to gym at the same time every day so I always see regulars with which I interact with and say hello to. But….there is one man who is about 60-65 who treats me like we are best friends and have known each other for years. …He came by and introduced himself at some point, and I’m always friendly and polite to people at the gym, made many friends, but he is trying too hard to be close to me. He will interrupt me during my sets, pat my shoulder, and he doesn’t leave after small talk. He just stands there and if I leave to next exercise, he will follow. I pay no attention and keep exercises but he stands there on his phone waiting till I take a break. I keep conversations short with him but he doesn’t get it and just stands around to chat. He will joke around a lot and make comments about my “hot body”, then switch to talking about his wife and family right away??!! Today I was doing hip thrust and saw from side vision someone came near me and standing there, then I hear “yes girl you got it!!” I turn around and he kneeled down and looking at my ass and starts patting me on shoulder good job he says. He acts as if we are besties and he is way too comfortable with me. I never start conversations with him first, I try to avoid him.
I can’t switch my gym time due to work hours and my kids school schedule so it must be at this time. How do I approach this situation ? I’m NOT against making new friends or chatting with people at the gym but I can’t do 20 minute chatting and I don’t appreciate how close he is trying to get to me, shoulder touching, making comments about my body and just overall following me around. He is usually really friendly, talks about his family, but at certain times he is too friendly and I’m confused ….. do I ignore? Tell him to back off? I don’t want to come off as a bitch but I want to stand up for people to not cross boundaries either. I don’t want to assume he is a pervert who wants something from me but nobody there(even people who I became friends with) interrupt me during sets or follow me around. Only him.

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