I need some advice…. I am a 24 soon 25 year old female with an estranged relationship with mother (51f). Growing up she had admitted to be on numerous occasions that she saw me as the “other women” (my dad is my bestfriend) and felt insecure with me around. She had done everything possible to make being her daughter a living hell. From putting cat feces in my clothes, cutting my undergarments, threatening to kick me out, chasing me with knives, abusing me verbally, mentally and physically, flirting with my now ex boyfriend, bad mouthing me to family until I decided to finally move out when I was 21. Moving out was the best decision i have made for mental state. Upon moving out my mother had made it nearly impossible for me to detach from her. she wiped my bank card, opened up credit cards in my name, health insurance fraud under my name and recently won’t remove me from her lease. I recently found out my mother still had me on the lease and was opening tickets to repair the apartment under my name, which only leads me to believe that the apartment is in my name. Getting access to the account with the leasing information I soon find out that she a past due balance of rent that she hasn’t been paying. Legally I am responsible for that….. I am beyond upset and hurt. One because, my mother and I don’t have a relationship and hasn’t had one for almost 4 years now, she’s going out of her way to hurt me and I have no clue why. She continues to spread rumors about me to anyone who knows me. Two because she just won’t leave me alone.

I guess my question is, first, who do I remove myself from the lease and second, how do I deal with a mother like this?

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