I (19M) used to struggle with talking to people, I was a shy homeschooled kid for most of my life until I decided that I didn’t want to be like that for the rest of my life. So I just started to talk to people. It was incredibly stressful, but I got better at it.

Now years later I am really good at making friends in new environments, but after a few months things start to fall apart. People that I hung out with a lot distance themselves from me, people remark that I am awkward and weird, my last three relationships ended withing a year each, with each girl telling me that I made them uncomfortable.

Just last week in one day, two coworkers told me that I talk to much and I make them uncomfortable.

So my question is this: what is it that I do that is really good at getting people in the door, good at getting people to initially like me, but eventually chases them away? And how can I fix this in socially improve?

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