**Post your own achievement story**

Everyone who feels like sharing a story about sexual experiences can do so in this daily post. Be it a new or an old story, be it extraordinary or rather common; anything – from happiness over losing your virginity or having your first orgasm, to sharing about the amazing, kink-filled weekend of debauchery you experienced – is appropriate to this thread.

**Post an update to a post you have made in the past**

If you have posted for advice about a situation in the past and wish to share an update – this is the place for it.

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*Let’s hear about it!*

  1. Successfully did not masturbate for two days. It’s kinda hard to control, but at the same time, good to feel the desire to do it.

    Not that masturbation is bad it’s just that it was getting too repetitive and losing the pleasure of it

  2. Just blacked out getting my massive aching cock sucked off after having mindblowing stoned sex for hours last night. Holy Fucking Christ! I’m gonna be feeling that all day

  3. My wife’s favorite Christmas Present

    The story of our new Queening Chair

    I have a tendency to be a little mysterious so I kept my project a secret during the construction process. My wife obviously knew I was up to something, but that was about all she knew. (It’s very abnormal for me to properly build things, so I wasn’t really able to hide this new behavior.) Anyway, I spent some serious time planning and designing my build and in the end I was able to turn it out in a couple of evenings. I was slightly worried that she would think it was weird or wouldn’t want to use it, but in the end I know my wife and figured she’d be on board. DAAAAMMMMNNNN was I right!

    When the build was finally finished I presented my wife with our new Queening Chair and she didn’t hesitate to put it to use. She instantly grabbed some toys and restraints and tore my clothes off. I got into position under the chair and she mounted my face. She came more that night than she has in the almost 10 years we’ve been together combined. At one point she hopped off the chair and right onto me, riding me until I came deep inside her. She then returned to her position on the chair informing me I needed to clean up the mess I’d made. (I didn’t know what to think in that moment as I’ve never done that before but it was totally fine and made the experience super erotic)

    After we’d finished she thanked me for building the chair, I could tell the act of planning something solely for her enjoyment meant a lot to her. She told me she can’t wait to use it again! I’ve never had such a great idea, I’m not sure who enjoyed it more me or her.

    Thank you for reading. I’ve been wanting to tell someone this story so badly.

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