My gf(25) was thinking about cheating on me(23m)

So, we have been dating for 5 years and living together for 3.5y, and for most of the time things were quite chill, we spent a lot of time together and went out a lot, but in the last few months we’ve been going through some troubles, she constantly complains a lot about a lot of things, like bad humour when I’m tired, she also complains about me not spending time with her everyday, but I’ve been working 10-12 hours a day with little to no breaks since I started my own business a few months ago, and even after I come home I still gotta study and work in my laptop, I just don’t have time for her everyday, and she wants to eat out or smoke a J in the couch almost everyday, she says I don’t help her with chores, but I do what I can when I have time, and she just gets home after a 8 hour shift in my father’s company and spend hours in the couch doing nothing. I buy her everything she needs, pay the home bills, pay her exoensive medical treatments, and during weekends I always take her to dinner, sometimes with some friends of us, I always invite her to watch some movies and enjoy ourselves, but lately she prefers to go out with her friends instead of spending time with me when I can.

This week she got sick and was vomiting a lot, and my mil was texting her, so I took her phone to answer the texts as we normaly do to each other when one of us can’t answer, and for my surprise there was a chat with some random guy she never told me about, so I did wrong and started looking through her phone, she was talking about our relationship problems with this random guy she knew from school 10+ years ago, but besides this It was just a normal chat with a friend, but I got quite paranoid because I sensed something was wrong, and when I opened her IG It was confirmed, she was talking to another guy there, but this time they were talking about going out someday to drink.

When I confronted her about It, I told her I discovered about the guy she was talking, and said I knew everything (throwing a bait, wrong again) and asked her to tell me everything as I neeeded to hear from her, then she started crying and apologizing, and told me that earlier this month when she went out to drink with some workfriends (people I hired for my father’s company) and I didn’t went together because I was working, she knew this other guy there and started talking to him, and nothing happened between them besides talking and following each other on IG (I confirmed this info later with a friend that owns the pub she was at, and one of her workfriends), then they started chating and became very close, hiding everything from me. I got sick after hearing this, packed a few clothes and went to my parents house to stay there a few days, there they told me they found out she has been complaining about our relationship to a lot of people they know (we live in a small town), and a lot of things she said aren’t even true.

After 3 days at my parents home, I invited her for a talk, to clarify things, and I asked her to tell me the truth about what was going on, and she did… Long story short, she said she became interested on him, she wanted to break up with me to go out with him, but couldn’t because she loved me, she said she regrets it a lot, showed me a text she sent him telling It was a big mistake talking to him, then blocked him in social medias.

She said she regrets It a lot, It was just one mistake, she wants to change, she wants a chance, but can’t ask me for It because she feels It was a big mistake and understands if I hate her from now on. I still love her but I don’t know if I can get over it and trust her anymore, because I’m almost certain she was going to cheat on me.
I don’t know what I should do, because since the beggining of our relationship she was always respectful towards me, and never did anything like this, It was just in the last few months that we became far from each other and things went downhill.

What do you think I should do? I have never been more confused in my hole life

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