I’m currently here tipsy and it’s 4 AM I’m so upset because me and my boyfriend got into another argument where he says extremely hurtful things to me, than later denies and maybe apologizes. When my boyfriend is in a good mood, he’s super loving patient kind and that’s what made me fall in love with him like she doesn’t have a lot of money but I love the fact that he tries but his mean side is definitely a lot to handle for me. We spoke yesterday and I was telling him about a stressful situation I was in, in the morning and then a separate situation, where I felt like a man tried to attack me. He said it was my fault. The conversation escalated into him confessing That a cashier at his local bakery was talking shit about me. I asked him did he defend me he claim that he told her to mind her business and he walked out. I highly doubt that because he goes to that bakery regularly to buy bread they’re both Jamaican. During the argument, he proceeds to go into lustful detail about how she looks, and I totally felt like a punch in the stomach like I literally broke down and cried, and he just laughed at me. I told him if you wanna go fuck her then go do so. It hurts that he would really compare me to her and then he proceeded to say oh at least she has a job. I quit my job because I wanted to finish my final semester of college. I left my 66K salary job to finish my business degree which I did with flying colors just finished with a 3.8.
During the arguement he proceeds to ask me why I don’t take him out and that he would want me to wear make up but it’s like if I’m not going anywhere but his house why would I wear make up. I’m usually bare face, I don’t wear wigs my hair is long and straight and I wear glasses I have good skin people always tell me that I look young. He only took me out on a date once, but I tried to be understanding on his side because he got into a financial situation because of his mom and I thought maybe we could both work on our future together since I’m trying to find a new job since I just finished school.
He denied everything that he said during the argument, and said that he only said it because he was upset and that he wanted to give me drama, but I just feel so disgusted that he would compare me to someone else like at this point I don’t even care if we stay together or not. I just wanna focus on me getting a good pay job so I can get a car And move out into a better apartment. Like he always says hurtful things when he’s upset, but I think this time it really broke me like he intentionally tried to break me down he didn’t care that it made me cry. I hate the fact that after we argue at least means wanna drink I feel like that’s the only thing I said to me. It’s like since I met him I’m on an emotional roller coaster of being super high on love and happy and then all of a sudden things just turn and I start getting sad. We were planning on moving in together but I’m really having second thoughts on that.

TL;DR – right now I’m tipsy me, and my boyfriend got into an argument, and he confessed that a local cashier was talking shit about me, and that he has lusty eyes for her. He later claimed that he was just saying it to hurt my feelings, but I don’t believe him, and he always says hurtful things during an argument.

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