I (21M) have been very close friends with ”Alex” (21F, not her real name) for 2 and a half years, and for longer than I’m proud to admit, ive been in love with her. I want to ask her out, but I have no idea how without making it weird incase she says no. It’s always been slightly cute-sy coupley between us. Well often go on walks together and get hot chocolates, get dinner out together, stay in and make dinner together, etc etc, but Id feel terrible if I was the guy that took our friendship away from her. I know girls hate it when guys do this, so is there any possible way I can talk to her about it without making it weird?

I want it to be very clear that I haven’t been pretending to be her friend with the aim of something more. We are friends and always have been, it’s just been a lingering thought in my head that I would keep pushing away. I’d hard to explain but I’m its like I have two trains of thought, one which is entirely platonic and one I’m just in awe of her.

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