I’ve (25m) been having to go to this brewery a few times for some work things and both times there was a very cute bartender (21f). I ended up talking with her for a little while on the second visit and felt like we had a good convo, about where we went to high school, where we grew up, jobs, etc. I then asked when she worked next/what her schedule was and said I’ll have to come by sometime and she said “you should! I’ll give you some free beer.”

Well since then I’ve gone a few times and we’ve chatted while I sat at the bar, and we even talked at the bar after she got off. (And I even had a long convo with her dad one night after she left lmao). I know she talked to her dad about our conversation, as she brought it up the next time I went in.

Being a bartender, I feel like she probably gets hit on all the time so I’m hesitant to ask for her number. Is it justified to feel this way or should I just go for it?

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