Hi All

I am a 34 year old male from Birmingham, UK.

In the past year I put on a lot of weight, I no longer feel like myself and it’s a daily struggle to like myself.

Since putting on weight I have seen just how little attention I get , the gay world and dating feels vicious and leaves me feeling very unhappy an unhopeful. Is it really just about looking in shape and lean always?

I have decided the only way to regain my confidence is to go back on a diet an follow a weight loss program , I used to get complements , be told that I am handsome have a lot of attention but now it’s nothing just me , myself an I on a daily basis. I don’t think I can live like this it’s killing me slowly.

It makes me question a lot , after all one day we will all grow old an loose looks why can’t people be more about the inner beauty I question or do you feel the same that it’s a very looks based world ? Shallow comes to mind. Especially in the male gay world. What do you think I should do fellow daters?!

I think it’s time to bring sexy back but I also feel like why should I?! Why can’t the boys view me as sexy right now?!!!

I hope you find the hummer as I try an type what is bringing me down lately – after all we must always stay up even when feeling down.

If you have read all of this post I appreciate you.

Until next time

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