I was recently hired as a consultant for a company last week. Went in for three days, going back this Tuesday.

After shadowing I expected to stay with the coworkers that were helping me out, seem pretty cool and I’d like to get to know them better. However, my lead mentioned its a tight fit and had me go across office where there’s more space.

If I recall, there are a couple open desks in that side of the office.

Where I am right now, I can tell the people around will focus purely on work and go home. Less conversations. So I am trying to see how I can ask or bring it up.

Thinking of asking in this order.

1. When will my work be reviewed, so I can get some feedback and catch mistakes earlier on.
2. Is there anything I can do more, more projects, would love to help where I can
3. bring donuts for the office, lol
4. ask, if I could move my workspace. Should I mention I know the person that I shadowed, we went to the same school for a bit. But don’t really know each other. Really helpful though.

How should I go about this appropriately? Everyone seem to be nice, but don’t wanna over do it either.

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