I (27m) met this lady (29f) online. We clicked instantly and we both liked it. We’ve been talking for a few weeks and met in person once. She’s a very kind person who treats me well, and it’s clear to me that she loves me. However, it seems like she did something wrong in the past that she did not forgive herself for (yet), but wouldn’t tell me right now. She also comes from a very poor family and has abusive parents. I do not mind the financial situation at all, but I am worried about issues with parents and her past if this could haunt her in the future. She’s also so desperate to leave her parents’. She’s willing to work to support her parents, I have no issues with that. But she feels down every now and then because of the past that I still know nothing about and because of the financial situation. She started college but did not finish, so she does not have a degree, but is currently learning programming online. She seems like a lady with ambitions, and goals.

I am seriously considering marrying her but I dont know if there is something to consider. Any help is appreciated

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