I’ve (28F) been seeing this guy (34m) for about a month and a couple weeks. (Would make it 2 in January)
Things have been good. We see each other pretty frequently and mostly during the week at his place. He initiates the meet ups/asks me for my availability and we don’t talk 24/7 which is fine with me. I saw him a couple days ago (went over to his place) and last Saturday we went out on a date.

I noticed something odd. He usually texts me first so i initiated a convo yesterday which he responded to but a couple texts in he put me on DND and didn’t reply for a couple hours until 11PM. He also randomly put his read receipts on a couple days ago and turned it off last night.

I didn’t reply to his text but just used the ❤️ reaction. So the whole day went by and I texted him something and I noticed a couple moments later i see the DND sign again? Is it just a coincidence or is this guy seeing my texts and putting me on DND?!

Obviously my mind goes elsewhere even though I don’t mean to. If he’s with someone else, that’s okay. I feel like we should’ve had a convo about seeing other people because we are intimate with each other. Im not sure what is going on. I don’t bombard him with texts, or demand we stay in contact 24/7. I actually like if we haven’t talked in a day or two, im more excited to talk to him. But obviously we’ve been seeing each other a lot and it’s nice to check in more often(he was a lot more talkative this week). I feel a bit of a disconnection with him, I think our convos are more surface lately. When we first went out things were good and he told me a lot of personal things. But now im thinking he’s just not that in to me?

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