Should I really be bothered? Me and my boyfriend have been together for about 2 years. He is a good guy. whenever something bothers me, and I bring it up to him, ge does something about it or makes a change. Including him watching porn. which he stopped, I believe. But now whenever I see him watching random videos of women in bikini, or with a lot of skin showing, I see that he would watch for little while, turn it off then initiate sex with me. And it seems that these are the only time he turns to me for sex. Other times i initate. So I’m bothered. I feel like I’m not attractive to him enough.. it kills my self esteem and makes me more insecure. I want to bring it up to him.. but I know he can’t help it when he sees these women right ? but also, I’m not that attractive to him?
Ugh idk. Clarity and word of advice would be nice

Edit: thanks everyone for your insights and advice!! Really appreciate it! It was bothering me for awhile.. I have a broader perspective of the situation now. Thank you sm and happy holidays !

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