There is too much people pleasing that needs to be done. I’ll admit, I’m a fairly introverted person. I don’t care for small talk too much but I like a good conversation for a bit.

My problem is, there’s always something or someone to celebrate or give best wishes for. I feel like if this stuff isn’t done naturally, then you were basically told to do it. There shouldn’t be a day when everyone is supposed to be catered to at once. What sense does that really make?

I feel like maybe there should be a few holidays for kids and that’s it. We all have heard plenty of stories of dysfunctional families inevitably fighting when they get together on holidays. I just wonder why they even do.

As an adult, I can give myself or the people I want to give things to, certain things. I can do things for myself or them as I can or please as well. Holidays practically force people to fall in line because “X” will feel bad because you didn’t “holiday act”. Meanwhile, everything was fine leading up to that day.

  1. I agree. I’ve developed a negative response to celebration days because I get frustrated about the concept.

    I shared my thoughts with my mom recently because she cares a lot about making sure I’m happy. I told her that I get anxiety when I know someone expects a certain result which makes me want to avoid people and situations.

    She really enjoys celebrations and she is also just as happy and cheery on every other day of the year. I clarified with her that my preference is that if someone gifts me something that they find value in the act of giving and not in an expected response.

    She was glad that we talked about it and now I’m starting to be more open to celebrations when it involves my mom.

    Overall I still dislike the idea of traditions but it appears to have significant meaning to others so I try to be as accommodating as I can while remaining genuine.

  2. Most things are thinly veiled excuses to have a party. It’s not that the thing itself is worth such a celebration. It’s that life is short, any excuse to have a party is good enough.

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