So recently my 20th birthday passed. We held a small celebration at home with my family and some relatives, but from what I’ve continuously heard, most people my age get super hyped and organize big parties with lots of people where everyone gets drunk out of their damn minds. It’s like a social norm. And besides 20 is kind of considered a jubilee.

I feel like an outliar for that reason. I don’t have many people who I consider to be friends, just some acquaintances who I kind of talk to. From what I gather, It’s mostly due to my inability to hold a conversation, so most people just get bored of me and don’t even bother trying to talk to me. However that’s a topic for another day.

I feel like I’m not worth celebrating and being the center of attention due to not being interesting enough. And like I meantioned before, I wouldn’t have any people to invite either. Well, I kind of do, but it would be weird after barely talking to/ undeliberately ignoring them.

Just needed to get this off my chest. It would be humiliating to confess this to anyone irl so I chose to do it anonymously here. Also I wanna know if anyone feels the same way I do. And I apologize if this post is kind of difficult to read. English isn’t my mother language and I haven’t had the chance to practice it in a while.

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