not even reach out, because they never do. only 2 of my closest friends ever reach out.

this post is in specific is majorly about my sister and an ex-friend though but still stands for everyone else too. they always say they have no friends theyre so lonely and socially anxious all the time, yet when i try to talk to them and bond and give them advice like a fucking good friend/sibling would do?? they have the nerve to just shrug it off to the side, or not even. they don’t even give me the time of day. they don’t even LOOK at me, just stare in my general direction and quickly skitter away. like what the fuck?

then i return the energy and just ignore them or give them less energy and they just get so passive aggressive or upset at it for some reason? or maybe even a little hurt? like isn’t that what ur doing to me why are YOU mad at me?

and then, get this, they. STILL. continue talk to me after and act all friendly like nothing happened. hello??? sending me posts and texts and tagging me in shit. why? what’s your deal with me??? can’t you fucking tell me instead of making me think we’re friends??

small rant here honestly it pisses me off. like no wonder you have no friends and these issues because you’re a bad fucking friend idk? it’s a waste of time.

anyway, random tangent aside why do people act like this? i hate this shit the most

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