To anyone who’s comfortable discussing it: have you dealt with the abuse you suffered when you were younger?

  1. I try and use it as fuel to get somewhere in life but every now and again the mental images just make me collapse

  2. * Realistically no one cares. Let the past be the past and move on.
    * Sublimate the anger. I joined the Marines as soon as I could.
    * Be a friend to children. Don’t ever let the subhuman wastes trying to shift the goalposts normalize harming children.

    Nothing else you can do.

  3. Trying. Really fucking hard. But I feel like I’m not healing as fast as I’m aging and there seem to be so many things people tell you to ‘wait until you’re healed’ to start doing that I’m going to miss out on because I’m too damaged.

  4. Not in the least. It hurts realizing someone you love did such life altering stuff mostly without even knowing they were doing it.

  5. I joined the Army as soon as I was able. I try to not carry the anger, and the most important thing IMO – When you raise your kids, remember the damage that the adults’ reactions did, and treat your kids (and really all kids) a million times better than you were treated.


    (edit) I just realized that my answer was almost the same as u/GunnitRust – You’re exactly right my brother.

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