So my friend. Let’s call her K, has been lately “butting in” when I text her. For example, I’d be discussing something semi related to our topic and sometimes she responds to me in text by replying to me with a similar topic but not pertaining to what I ask or sent to her. This has been happening a few times lately and I feel like I need to call her out for it, but I don’t want to sound rude. Even today she dmed me “sorry for butting in but…” after I texted her something not related to her response. Any advice? Sorry if my wording doesn’t makes sense and feel free to ask for clarification

1 comment
  1. if it’s bugging you, yeah, talk about it. Don’t be mean, and try to keep a level head, but do be honest that it bothers you. Working out tensions like this by having a conversation about them is key to having a healthy friendship.

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