My partner and I have been together for two years and this holiday season we’ve been visiting our respective families together. Honestly we’ve been talking a marriage and the whole she-bang, with intention for the next few years. Like moving, marrying, raising children. So it’s easy to say we’re pretty serious.

My boyfriend is great! A total sweetheart, communicative, super respectful, open-minded, the whole nine yards.

My dad is also great! He cares a lot from me and adopted me (as an adult) after he and my mom divorced. I’ve known him since I was 7, and I’m close with his wife and my siblings

However, this is the first time I have seen my boyfriend and my dad interact with each other…and it’s weird. They’re very similar, down to background, personalities, demeanor, interests. I have become hyper-aware of how alike they are.

They aren’t bad similarities as they are both wonderful and excellent people. And it has nothing to do with appearance- they look completely different. But now when my boyfriend talks, or does something I just see my dad. I can’t even think of doing anything more than hugging him without getting super skeeved out.

There’s a few reasons this concerns me:

I’m afraid I’m repeating the patterns of my mom and dad with this relationship

Sigmund Freud is laughing maniacally at me from his grave – which is enough to vomit

I will not get past the fact they’re so similar and I’ll have to end the relationship bc I feel like Om practically dating my father.

TLDR; Boyfriend and Father are so similar that I am uncomfortable and don’t know what to do. If anyone has advice, experience, or whatever, I’ll take it.

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