I was watching a movie recently, and there was a scene I got massively confused by and was really hard to follow – I kept thinking they were referring to an entirely different character than they were because they were calling [this](https://64.media.tumblr.com/28639f301911d6c6ae4c60b2845c8b3d/8eaeb27ead8ee756-7d/s1280x1920/ad889996540d4d2710c7d3a89dbc7635848252f8.jpg) character a redhead

Most I could say is she’s maybe strawberry blonde, and strawberries are red I guess? But definitely still yellow hair

  1. Yeah, I don’t know anybody who would call that red hair. My best guess is the script was written for a character with red hair, but when this actress was cast for the role nobody bothered to go back and correct it to say blonde.

  2. I would have called her blonde as well, not a redhead. But look at the end of her hair, down low on her back. That part looks red to me, though I’m wondering if it’s just reflected color from her clothing.

  3. No that is very strange, nobody would call her a redhead. Possibly strawberry blonde that appears more traditional blonde due to lighting, film quality, or whatever.

  4. I’m really bad at recognizing faces, but is that Sissy Spacek? She is a redhead. So I’m wondering if that’s why it was written that way, but that maybe her hair was very sunbleached or something?

  5. I have that hair color almost exactly. I’m called blonde, redhead, strawberry blonde. I just roll with it. One of my kids has striking , gorgeous red hair and the kids at school tell her it’s orange.

  6. Sissy Spacek typically had red to strawberry blonde hair. Looks extra light there though.

    It is not normal to call blondes redheads though.

  7. Sissy Spacek is indeed a redhead, albeit towards the strawberry blonde end of the spectrum. The shot you chose is not really a good example, given that her hair is harshly backlit.

    But to answer your question, no is is not “an American thing” to call blonde people “redheads.”

  8. She looks blonde but the picture in question is really saturated. Idk who that is but just going by the comments it seems like she’s a redhead. But ngl I’m too lazy to look p what she actually looks like.

    That said I’ve seen some people call borderline blondes redhead, that I’d personally say is blonde, so I think there’s some truth to it. But I can’t think of specific examples

  9. A lot of times, lighting filters currently in vogue for film and tv wash out color to the point that red hair looks brown or blonde. So that’s sometimes a culprit too.

  10. That is Sissy Spacek who was a strawberry blonde when she was younger. Along with freckled skin, I can see her being referred to as a redhead or a ginger.

  11. Huh. My hair is that exact color and everyone calls me strawberry blonde or blonde in general. It says blonde on my CA driver’s license.

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