I’ve often wondered about this.
Sure, it’s easy to recognize someone who is a complete jerk and tears people down vs. someone equally accomplished but super nice and easy going.
Let’s go a little deeper than that.
If someone is truly, truly self-made successful by all societal standards (Money, Career, Social Stauts etc), do you guys really think that in their mind, somewhere deep down, they don’t have a thought that they are better than others? They might not project it, or give very diplomatic (Oh I just got lucky/ I feel anyone can do this etc) answers in interviews, but is this what they genuinely feel?
How can you escape the fact that you did something which 99% of the population can do and how fucking awesome that is! How can you not feel proud of all the work you put in to reach there? Why discredit yourself by saying anyone can do this?
Sure arrogance is saying it out loud, but even if they dont, doesnt change the fact that they still think they are better than other right?

Maybe arrogance should not be looked down upon afterall? I’d rather take someone who is in my face proud of their accomplishments than some fake humble people who disregards me behind my back. At least with the arrogant person, I know that he thinks he is better than me. There’s transparency. There’s fun in proving them wrong.

What do you guys think?

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