My husband and I have been married for 7 years together ten. Iv always been the type of person who has a sharp mouth and doesn’t hold back how I feel. Lately Iv been really hard on my him, he has been working a lot and whatever free time he gets I FEEL like he chooses his “me time” over spending time with the kids. Last night our friction came to a head but lucky for us I was very high and came into it calm and level headed. He poured his heart out and I said nothing and let him speak. And MAN, I feel terrible. He works his ass off for this family and to keep us afloat so I can stay home. And I realized last night Iv been a brat. He was drowning and I was part of holding him under and I felt like SHIT. We both said our peace and how we could make both us feel better and it was liberating. One of my vices was him never being home. And he agreed but at the current moment it’s just not possible he has to work to keep us afloat. So we both agreed that while he is home he needs to be PRESENT not on his phone ignoring the girls and me or in the back of the house just not apart of the family. I told him I was sorry about my sly comments especially in front of the kids about how he is never home because he is right the kids will learn that’s ok and it’s not. I realized the weight he had been caring and now all I want to do is help carry it.

My point is. My dear wives of Reddit.
Sometimes your husband is drowning and instead of being accomplice, be a lifeline.

Some of you guys are TRAUMATIZED and I’m so sorry. I’m not a terrible wife nor do I treat my husband like shit. I would NEVER disrespect my husband even in our worst arguments we BOTH remain respectful and NEVER intentionally hurt each other. I said Iv been “hard on him” meaning my comments about him needing to be home more and how our girls needed him home. Which was extremely selfish of me because I thought he didn’t want to be here and was angry at that. That’s not what the case was. He does want to be home, he realizes his presence hasn’t been felt and it was making him sad, but he doesn’t talk about things that weigh him down because he thinks he is Superman so I just get to run away with these story lines in my head. My husband and I are thicker then thieves, I asked him if he was ok after the talk I said now is you time to get it all out and he did and we cried and we hugged then we binged watch Dubai Bling and laughed all night.

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