I have always had only gal-friends. And came across guys in college, you can say for the first time. So, I am honestly not great at conversations with guys IRL.

Whenever a boy from the friend group shares his problem with me, I usually end up giving a basic empathetic response, the way I do with my female friends (not overtly sweet, just basic, ‘oh, that’s terrible’ type) Then I listen some more, to see if he needs words of comfort or some suggestion/advice would help (if he asks)
Or if he doesn’t, I usually say something encouraging like “You will solve it, for sure.” “Ik you will do it.”

Whatever I say though, I end up getting a blank look from them. Almost always. And I feel insanely awkward afterwards. When I asked another gal friend, she said, it’s because “Boys want to be challenged more. Roast him about it.”


I can’t do that, it sounds rude tbh.

Am I doing anything wrong? What else can I say to avoid that weird look?

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