Excluding big animals like the elephant cause I think its unfair.

I vote Polar Bear Siberian Tiger and Salt water Crocodile

  1. It’s just going to come down to size. Elephant for a land battle and blue whale in the ocean

  2. Komodo Dragon for the bite.

    Hippopotamus for the aggressiveness.

    Pretty much any swarming insect but technically that’s more than one animal.

  3. If we’re going to disqualify based on size I don’t think your examples are fair for coyotes or Badgers…. See how this becomes a slippery slope

  4. It depends on the setting I think. Are we going artics? 100% polar bear or Siberian tiger. Africa, I will have to go for something like a hippo.

  5. I agree with Siberian tiger but other’s are below mid animals in my opinion. Polar bears are overheat very easily, and croc is cold blooded animal relying on ambush. You can change the polar bear to Kodiak bear as they are like each other. Kodiaks are not overheat easily like polars, their claws are bigger and their size is almost big as polars. I’d choose more like a hippo or silverback rather than croc.

  6. In what environment. I think you will find certain species are better adapted to some than others. Like shark on land is obviously gonna lose, but shark in water will win against most land animals.

  7. You’ve chosen what I would choose, but then I thought about venomous snakes like a king cobra or fer-de-lance or brown snake. Small, but fast and deadly. They wouldn’t do well against the crocodile, though, I don’t think.
    Food for thought…

  8. Honey Badger or a Wolverine both can take on animals three times thier size, just check out vids on youtube. Surprise no one as said Man seen has we have already killed off so many animals over the years.

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