Alright, this is text book over thinking, I just wanna hear what y’all have to say…
So I (19m) met this girl on bumble, and we’ve been on a handful of dates I would say have gone fantastic.
Her birthday is coming up, and I wanted to do a small gesture, so I figured on our next date, I’d get her a small bouquet of what she said was her favorite flowers.
My problem is, I just wanna do it as a small gesture and nothing more. I really like her and don’t wanna scare her away thinking that I’m going too serious too quick. Cause I’m my eyes, flowers tend to be a more serious gift.
I dunno, sounds lame af, but I wanted to get some other girls opinions on the matter.
If some guy brought you flowers on like the 5th date, would you find it sweet or weird?

  1. It’s not a huge gesture for most people. If you’re concerned about it coming off as a big gesture, give her the flowers right away when you meet and don’t even address them, just say happy birthday and start talking about something else. The more you revolve around the flowers, the more she may think you “care” which honestly shouldn’t even be a bad thing, but if your intent is to make it seem like a small gesture, then that’s a method to do so.

  2. If a man did that for me GAME OVER I’d be on my knees in 2 minutes, no but actually that’s so sweet and girls love that stuff. I know I do.

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