How do you tell your SO you love them without telling them you love them?

  1. Do the dishes, bring home a Hershey bar and a Dr pepper, tell her were going to go see a movie that i know she wants to see, take her to the mall and when she says something is cute grab it and go buy it, refill her glass of tea before she has to ask, when she not paying attention look at her and smile until she notices…. lots of little things.

  2. You do nice and loving gestures for them without having to be asked. Random flowers is an old trope as an example but some women love it.

  3. You can buy your SO a house and pay all of it and then put your SO’s name in the house deed, and only your SO’s name. That’s true love.

  4. In my spare time I watch food/cooking videos to learn new tricks and techniques. Then I do my best to make my wife the best meal possible every night.

  5. We have pretty strictly defined household chore roles, but yesterday I did the dishes for her when she was at work because I was working from home. She didn’t notice.

  6. It’s all the everyday actions. Quick anecdote below.

    We were “just friends.” The quotation marks weren’t fooling anyone but ourselves. lol. We were 3 months into this thing we weren’t calling dating. The timing belt on her Civic snapped and she was dead in the water until I could fix it for her. I was commuting on motorcycle anyway. I told her she could drive my every day driver – my Z-71 chevy pickup until I get it fixed. She did not want to do that. The truck was big for her and it was pretty new. She didn’t want the responsibility. So I told her she could drive my car. She didn’t know I had a car. I opened the other garage door to my 1970 Porsche 911. At that time, these old air cooled Porsche weren’t worth a lot. I bought it off of an older neighbor whose husband passed away. It was in good shape but it wasn’t worth near what my truck was valued at that time. I don’t know…..she saw it and she just giggled and said, “Oh yeah…..I can drive that.” So she drove it for the next week. EVERYONE at her work was saying something like the following, “He’s letting you drive his Porsche????? So-called friends don’t let friends drive their Porsche.” lol – – Point of this narrative: Those co-workers wrong. I cared about her A LOT.

    But she was back in her Civic in a week. The sad story in all of this: I let that 911 go too soon. The prices on those things have skyrocketed to insane amounts. Oh well. It was just an old car back then.

  7. With my wife, it’s easy. I hand her my dog and a blanket when she gets home from work? If there’s one thing she loves, it’s sitting in the recliner with my shih tzu and a blanket.

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