My husband stated he wants a divorce and doesn’t feel the same or have that spark anymore.

Some days he says he’s felt this way since year two others he says over the past year. He still loves me but isn’t in love with me. There was messages between him and his coworker but he states it isn’t like that and it was a mistake he was just drunk. This was a first time thing to happen.

He doesn’t want family members or coworkers knowing about it. I just had our second child recently and we have a toddler. I try to let him have as much free time as possible. I don’t know if it’s depression? midlife crisis?

I want to make it work because I couldn’t imagine a day without him. He has said he would try counseling and starting to have just us time but doesn’t see it making a difference.

We have been together for 11 years now. I tell him it’s just a stage millions of people go through in relationships you just have to be stronger then it and we can get through this. He doesn’t even like to talk about things.
Just says well I’m still here or we will see what happens. Has anyone else been through this?

What was your outcome of the situation. Is there any hope to rekindle? How can I make him fall in love with me again?

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