Please give me advice, I (23F) recently was just cut lose by him (35M) because he is now dating a new girl. He was my first real adult relationship and my first “every thing”. We were together for 4 months and we went out as friends but hooks-up. He made it clear we are just friends and I was okay with it, but every time he breaks the rule of not hooking-up I get so confused about the set-up, until my friends told me its a “fubu” set-up. Hence, internet says otherwise cause fubu means no dates, no caring, no trips, no cuddles, and no hanging out. He broke things off last two days and its been two days that Im not myself and in constant pain.

I asked him why didn’t you date me? He said I’m too innocent and immature, aside from that its the self-respect thing, I have low self-esteem because I settled for such situation. And that I need to better myself in the future for future partners. I accepted it and thanked him.

Please give me advice on how to heal this pain first and how exactly do I fix my self-esteem? The reason I go here is cause I ask my friends this and they say there’s nothing wrong with me, but I know its because they’re my friends and they want me to feel good. I’m in so much pain that I’m so scared to experience this pain again on future relationships because of the same reason.

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