We are a newlywed couple married for 5 months now but together for 8 years (f26, m29). Before this weekend I thought we were a really happy couple, enjoyed each others company, loved each other so much and didn’t have any trust issues. I didn’t think there was any issues in our relationship at all (apart from maybe not having enough sex but I believe that is down to my contraception)

Over the weekend my life has been turned upside down. My husband plugged his phone into a photo printing booth to print some photos off, however as soon as he plugged his phone in 3 photos of my good female friend came up, these were a mixture of bikini photos of from my own Instagram (cropped to remove me from the photo) and from private photo booth photos from when we were drunk that I had kept in a box upstairs.

I took his phone to see if I could see these photos but later found out they were in a hidden section in his phone. After getting back to the car after a lot of screaming and crying he admitted to screenshotting these photos and cropping me out to masturbate to. This is my best friend of around 20 years.

I asked why and he said it was all about because he knew it was wrong.

Over the past few days I have been finding out more and more. This information was not volunteered by him I actively seemed it out through asking to go through his phone. It has since come out that he has been paying for onlyfans for about 3 years, accessing and masturbating to porn a couple of times a day for the past few years, also using images and videos from twitter too.

He says he believes he has a porn addiction and he has tried to stop before but only for a couple of weeks at a time.

He says it is completely separate from our relationship which he says he is very happy in (very hard to believe right now).

Since finding this out I have realised things in our relationship such as always being on his phone and a few occasions of lying about trivial things such as who is going to be there when he is meeting his friends. He says he has never physically cheated on me at all.

I am not sure what to do. He has booked in with a therapist for his porn addiction which is positive and also put blockers on his phone. If it was just the porn and only fans I feel like we could have worked through this but don’t see how I can get past my best friend thing. If I had not found out about this I would have no reason to suspect anything was wrong and I was so so happy in this relationship. I just don’t know what to do. Thank you in advance for any advice you can offer!

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