Hi, I need some serious advice…

Ever since I remember, I’ve always been a responsible focused kind of person. Since I was a kid that I enjoyed “following the rules” and learning and studying.

Studies ended up becoming my 1st priority in life. This means I usually put studies above anything else, be it social life or even mental health. I know this isn’t good and that’s why I’m here.

I’m usually a pretty likable person and don’t have trouble finding friendships, but the real problem is maintaining them. College has constantly loads of work to do so I end up refusing several social invitations. Oh, and I’m also an introverted. Meaning I don’t need to go out that much. However, I do enjoy being in the company of people.

What happens is that because of this, now I’m alone. No one invites me to anything anymore, and I don’t have social life. I don’t know how to balance the workload of college and social life to be honest.

Any tips?

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