I just saw a post of a friend who drifted away from me, it was a recollection of friend pics to
celebrate 2023. I already suspected it, but i wasn’t in it.

Idk how to feel, i feel a lil bad but on the other hand i feel neutral about it as well.

I think the reason we drifted apart is cuz of me. There was a period in which we messaged each other every 3 days and if i didn’t respond the same day it’d at least be the next.
Well there was one time i actually forgot to reply completely and replied TWO days later even. I was scared to start/continue the convo again, but decided to do it anyway and got no reply and why should i? U don’t continue a convo after two days, who does that?!

After that i felt like i made a debilitating decision to try and continue the convo and i was too scared to message her again. This is what did our friendship in, however i tried to talk to her again at some point.
As you would expect her responses became rlly dry, even though i tried to seem excited through text and now i feel like there’s no point in trying again.
Last time i tried she cut it off quickly and said her goodbyes while remaining online.

Now that i’ve seen her 2023 post, i feel like rekindling the friendship. Is that rlly the wise thing to do or did i ruin it completely?

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