I (19F) tested positive for Covid-19 and I’m honestly devastated.

My boyfriend (19M) and I work at the same job, just different positions and recently, he’s begun complaining about a ‘sore throat’ and ‘stuffed nose’, I told him to call off work and get tested, but he kept insisting that it was just allergies and that he was fine. Where we work, it is optional to wear a mask, I always wear my mask while he doesn’t. However the mask I would usually wear got badly damaged at work and for a day or two, I wasn’t wearing a mask and was mostly around my boyfriend at work.

Yesterday, while at work, I began feeling more tired then usual and would have a cough every now and then. I immediately informed my boss and took two rapid test, (one at work, one at urgent care). Both came back positive.

I immediately broke down and had to call my work, family, bf to let them know so they can also get tested. My boyfriend seemed distant when I told him and when I asked him what was wrong, he confessed that he actually took a test a few days ago and he tested positive but didn’t want to say anything because he wanted to continue working with me.

I am so upset that he lied to me and his actions basically risked my health and my job since I am not allowed back until 2 weeks and I desperately need money to pay rent.

Part of me wants to report him to my boss but I don’t think it would solve anything.

What can I do in this situation?

  1. He put other people’s lives in danger.
    If another co-worker has a vulnerable person at home and they bring covid home or mat kill them!
    It’s incredibly selfish of him and very immature and irresponsible.

    Depending on where you are I would tell your boss, I would never want an employee that is this careless.

    On your relationship, I would never want to be with someone that did that and got me sick like that I mean Covid isn’t just a cold.

  2. I would dump him, honestly. That’s fucked up. Not sure what telling his boss would accomplish.

  3. sounds like he gets to pay your rent while you’re out of work…and any medical bills you have while out

  4. Lying about covid and giving it to you? Dumpsville. Also, switch to N95s to try and prevent this shit.

  5. What an incredibly selfish thing to do. Report him and dump him. That sounds like the tip of the iceberg with this guy.

    I mean he directly lied about his health. It’ll never be the same.

  6. Sorry but you can buy masks at super markets or pharmacies. Why didn’t you go buy one?

    You also need to tell your boss that your boyfriend also tested positive because if he infected you, he can infect other people who work there.

    Then dump him.

  7. Your boyfriend is a selfish, immoral, asshat who compromised the health of everyone he came into contact with.

  8. Not to be crass, but would you ask this forum what to do if he lied about being STD free and it turned out he had chlamydia and knew it and still gave it to you? I sure hope not. And honestly along that line of thought, who knows what else he’d lie about to spend time with you? Ditch this guy.

  9. Public health administrator here!

    I’m not sure where you live, but try to Google your local public health department’s website. There should be a page for your local public health department’s contact tracing team. Check to see if there is an email address or, better yet, a phone number on that page you can call to be connected to a social worker in your town.

    The social worker should be able to connect you with resources if they are available such as groceries, mental health, money management, etc. Please note that the resources may be limited but I’m not sure on the details of that since I’m not a social worker myself.

    With that being said, your boyfriend not only put you at risk but he also put your family, friends, coworkers, coworkers’ family/friends, and customers at risk. He flat out lied to all of you about having COVID-19 which, for some people, can turn into a chronic illness. His reason for lying was purely selfish.

    Break up with him. I know for a fact that there are better people out there who do value other people’s health and not just their own.

    EDIT: I know you said you told your boss, but did you tell them specifically you have COVID? That way, they can inform the rest of the staff there’s been an exposure at work (they should be keeping your personal/identifying information private when they tell others).

    Does your job give paid time off specifically for COVID-19? I know some companies started giving out paid sick time for people who can provide a positive test for COVID-19 specifically. Not all companies do this, but it’s worth looking into. Please look into your job’s COVID-19 policies. Talk to your boss and if that doesn’t resolve anything, check to see if you have an HR department.

    EDIT 2: If none of the above works, your boyfriend should pay for your bills. Then you should break up with him after you recover.

  10. Anyone who puts your health (and everyone else’s) at risk just to fulfill their selfish deserves to be single.

  11. Report him. He lied about something that could be serious. And people HAVE died of covid, so he definitely put people at risk.

  12. You’re 19, he’s clearly not worth it if he cares more about what he gets out of the relationship than your overall well being. Leave his ass. You have a lot of life left to live and he just showed you you shouldn’t spend any more of it with him. “When people tell you what kind of person they are, listen”

  13. Regardless of what you think about COVID and the seriousness of it, he directly avoided telling you when he knew.
    If he will lie and cover up something as small as protecting others against covid, what the heck else will he lie to you about? What other diagnosis or white lie will he brush under because he wanted to be with you?
    It’s a major issue, and I’m sorry you’re dealing with that.

  14. I wound leave him to be honest. We had a relative lie to us about her being positive with Covid. She spent a weekend with us and 5 days later, my 9
    Year old son was hospitalized with trouble breathing. Fever. Etc. we almost lost him. That’s my baby. I have not and will not forgive her. She’s never welcome to my house again. I came down with it shortly after and had long Covid. A headache that stayed with me for 4 mo.
    Anyone willing to risk your life and your livelihood isn’t someone I would want around. Ever.

  15. You still wear a mask now? I mean maybe if this post was 6 months ago, in my country you don’t even have to self isolate if you get covid these days.

  16. This happened to me in 2020, girl i was seeing brought it to me in December. I missed Christmas, sis birthday, new years and moms birthday. I was all alone for those 2 weeks and sick. Turns out she got it from a guy she was seeing on the side. Smh

  17. You deserve better than this. I hope you recover quickly and keep your standards high.

  18. Tell him that you understand, and you feel the same way. Tell him he might want to check himself for chlamydia. You didn’t want to tell him because you love him so much.

  19. Report him to your boss so that those he came into contact with do no spread it to the whole company. Then get a new boyfriend who is an ass and only thinks of himself.

    Also report him to your local heath agency.

  20. Dump that piece of garbage. He is so selfish. Think how many people he exposed to COVID because of his selfish actions. What a trash human.

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