Technically I shit on the floor. Happy new year.

I hate going to the bathroom with my boyfriend around. This time we were spending 4 days together, so I held my bowels the entire time. Day 3 is today, and while he’s in the shower I can feel the demon inside me trying to escape. I pinch my cheeks together as tight as I possibly can, but there’s a brown battering ram trying to escape my anus. I’m frozen stiff, knees locked, ass clenched, I can’t move. Then I feel it. As I’m standing there, legs twisted tight, it happens. I shat on the floor. It wouldn’t stop.

There was no hiding what happened. I hear his shower turn off and I explain for him to NOT COME OUTSIDE. I told him I just peed on the floor and he gives me a, “ what the fuk, are you on drugs?” Response.

But there is no truly hiding the atrocity that was committed. I come clean and explain that I’m so paranoid about going to the bathroom in front of him that, well, I held it for 3 days and my body gave out on me.

We went to Home Depot and got a carpet shampooer, he’s currently shampooing the carpet as I type this, trying to find relief somehow someway.

To make matters worse, his brother was home and heard the entire thing.

I’m just in shock honestly and could use some comforting words.

Tl;dr I started the new year by shitting myself in front of my boyfriend, how do I recover from this?

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