This is just a little background information on me; I have very little experience dating so, I am still learning how to read social cues and how to properly flirt with women. Anyway, I was at a social event and these ladies were grouped together; I assumed they were friends. I thought one of them was pretty cute, so I approached her and started conversating with her. As I said, my flirtation is a little lacking so I made conversation mostly centered around what she does for a living and what she enjoys doing. All of a sudden, one of her friends interjects politely saying that they have to go somewhere, right in the middle of our conversation. I thought that was odd because it seemed like the conversation was going fine, and the friend didn’t seem to be in a hurry a few minutes ago. Before they were to leave, I asked for her instagram, to which she gave to me. I was still a little dumbfounded by the abruptness. So I was wondering from guys’ experience; has this happened to you? Were there any red flags that caused her friend to seemingly “save” her from me? I’m always self conscious about being an unpleasant or uncomfortable presence in the company of others, so I try to be safe in conversation and not ask anything too personal. I also wasn’t stuttering or too nervous to say anything. Ladies, do you do this to save your friends from creepy guys, or guys who cant read body language? How do I prevent that next time? Am I just overthinking?

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