I started seeing this amazing woman a month ago. We’re in our 30s and the same age.

Even though it’s been a month, we have only met 5 times. On 3 of those occasions, we had sex. On Christmas day I accidentally annoyed her. She put a lot of effort in and dressed in a little Mrs Claus nightie for me and was/is the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever met.

We had been enjoying a drink (it was my first drink in months) and I stupidly told her my ex messaged me, and that I ignored it. In my stupid mind, I thought it would be like a compliment to my new girl that I ignored the other one, but she took offence, and rightfully so. I accept that it was an idiotic thing to say. We made up and had an amazing Christmas night.

During the few days apart after Christmas, I felt like I was in the bad books. So I got her expensive perfume as a gift to say sorry, and we met last night. She accepted the gift and said I was forgiven. However, I feel like I messed up again almost immediately.

We were cuddling and I tried to initiate sex with her, and it wasn’t long before she knocked me back, telling me she wasn’t feeling the vibe, and she got a bit mad at me. I, again, completely accept that she was in the right and I was in the wrong. Essentially, I kind of messed up my apology and I feel like an idiot.

That put a bad vibe on the evening and she told me so. We tried to watch a movie but she was annoyed with me and I eventually told her I would leave. I did my best to lighten the mood between us before we parted ways, and thankfully it worked as well as it could; because she told me so. But I still felt it was best for me to leave her.

I’m worried that I have messed up so badly that I might lose her. If I do lose her, I would totally accept that it has been my own dumb words and actions that have been responsible for it, but I would also be gutted.

I am thinking that if she doesn’t dump me and she does allow me to see her again, I will approach things more tentatively from here on. I guess I just have to be better at reading the room; I mean, we had sex in her vehicle on our first date, and have had passionate sex in bed since, but I have evidently neglected to treat her with respect last night.

It seems like, whilst we can have spontaneous, exciting sex sometimes, I also need to be more caring and considerate on other occasions.

Any advice on getting myself out of the bad books on this one?

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