my boyfriend is a good person, absolutely normal, not some kind of fucked-up guy, but after sex he wanted to wipe his hands with a napkin, but there were no clean napkins, and he said “oh, right, I have already used ones.” I went nuts, he opened the cabinet door, and there was LITERALLY a mountain of napkins with sperm. I asked him what the hell this was, and he said that he just forgot to throw them out after masturbation before bed, because he goes straight to bed, these napkins had accumulated since two weeks. in my thoughts it was that he was lying to me, I don’t know what could be in his head, but the first thing I thought then was that he collects napkins with his sperm. I don’t understand, is it my wild imagination, or is he lying to me and has some problems. Is it weird to fold napkins? should I express my concern to him if he is offended that I accuse him of being abnormal?

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