i’ve been talking to this guy for a few weeks. we’re really similar and get along well, but he’s not attractive and I just don’t think I’ll be okay with it down the line…
I don’t want to waste his time, but I have a habit of continuing a friendly conversation for far too long, and I don’t really know how I can distance myself from him without it being sudden.
(I’m really bad at being overly nice and then getting myself in bad situations)

I don’t really know how to tell him that it isn’t going to work, because as far as personality goes it probably would. but I think I am still entitled to being attracted to my partner? makes me sad since he’s very nice but I just can’t be in a relationship with someone i find ugly. so unfortunately that makes it a deal breaker:/
we haven’t met up or gone on a date yet and I’d rather cut it off quick enough that I don’t wind up having to agree to meet up, but I don’t want to make him feel bad since he’s not the most confident person alive.

thank you for any advice, I haven’t dated much before, and i’m a terrible people pleaser so I’m not experienced in this situation.

TL;DR: I’m not attracted to this man I’m talking to and I want to let him down/distance myself gently as to not hurt him but I don’t know how.

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