Hi Reddit,

I am married over a year and have been with my wife for many many years. 4 years into dating my wife I cut off an ex who I had a really solid friendship with. It seemed wrong to continue to be friends with her while I was thinking of marriage. The ex had depended on me for years because her home life was tough and I ghosted her at a really tough time. I have felt bad for years and have wanted to check on her but she’s since blocked me. My brother still follows her and has since told me she is engaged to be married soon. I find myself curious how my life long friend is doing but I know it would hurt my wife’s feelings. I don’t want to not tell her but I know how much she would disapprove if I was honest. I’m in a pickle here because I truly have no malicious thoughts here other then making sure someone I truly cared about once for a majority of my life is doing good…. Thoughts?

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