Hi guys, I’ve recently started dating a really awesome person. I really cannot describe how cool she is, basically everything in her personality is a 10/10 for me. I personally do like her looks, and I am sexually attracted to her, so that’s not even the problem.

And still I am struggling because for some annoying reason it’s important to me that my partner should be considered attractive by others, and she is not conventionally nor unconventionally attractive. I’ve already gotten comments asking me why I “downgraded” (not from people important to me, my good friends do not care as long as I am happy and they like her a lot), as my past partners were all conventionally very pretty. And I know those people making such comments are not worth a single thought, but it annoys, infuriates me actually that some part of me kinda agrees with them.

Why are some weird social norms which also do not even align with what I find attractive still create such a struggle for me?

Anyone here who has struggled with anything like that too? Or am I just a superficial person and just should get over this as it should not really be an issue at all.

My advice to myself is to just see what happens and I believe the more time I spend with her the less I will care about this. But what if this is not the case, and I’ll ruin something awesome and hurt her even more because I let it go too far?

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