So there’s this girl. We’re pretty Different people with seemingly little in common at the end of the day (she’s a non-drinker/smoker, she’s athletic with a military background, etc.) But she ticks A Lot of other Boxes for me, and the flirty Vibes are undeniable. I like her A Lot. She likes me, I’m pretty sure. The catch? She’s a devoted mom and I’ve no intention of ever being a Parent.

So I’ve been very Hesitant about pursuing them. I’ve spoken to her close friend who assured me she was looking for something serious. We’ve had a couple dates set up that for whatever reason have fallen through. Last time she didn’t text back, so I assumed that was the end of it, but I ran into her Yesterday and she Indicated that she’d be free for NYE and would like to do something last minute. I feel like if I back out now, after several other Failed Dates, I’ll be closing the door for good, and possibly disappointing her.

I’m unsure of what to do next, if anything. My intentions would be Extremely Casual. Is it Sleazy to date a woman with a kid if you know there’s no permanent future? Or Is it Sleazy to automatically assume that all moms would have differing Intentions to mine and write them out of my dating pool? I know this is a Shitty Sitcom-Dude Cliche, but what’s the most Altruistic way to navigate this?

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