Any advice appreciated, I’m confused.

New coworker [19M] started and he was very friendly but started joking around with me and standing close to me or touching me more than usual when handing me something. Or teasing me about my efforts. Or when I got hand sanitizer he came over and got some too and said ‘I’m getting some because you did’.

As he was leaving he asked if I was working on his next shift.

I’d catching him looking at me if he was walking across the store or down the front.

We were stocking shelves today and I asked him how his shift was going and he replied ‘a lot slower without you annoying me haha’.

When he finished I wished him luck at college because we weren’t rostered on together the next few weeks and he seemed disappointed.

I said ‘maybe I’ll see you around campus’ and he said ‘I hope so’ and smiled at me which surprised me.

We talked properly for the first time and got on really well and tease eachother a bit.

I think he might have a girlfriend because there’s a girl on his Lock Screen which I’m pretty sure is so I’m not sure. But I only saw his phone for less than a second. Probably his girlfriend from HS as he’s only done one year of college.

**tl;dr – Don’t know if male coworker is into me or just being friendly.**

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