Me (19m) and my ex (20f) were together for almost 2.5 years but we ended up breaking up because we were very busy with our lives at that time and we didn’t get to spend time much time together. We broke up 6 months ago and recently i started dating someone else but soon after that i realised that i haven’t moved on from my ex So i told my current gf (19f) that I want some time alone as i need to get over her and it’s not fair for her, She told me that she would never give up on us and she will wait for me to get better so we can resume our relationship.
After 2 weeks of this, my ex texted me yesterday on 31st december asking if we can reconcile and fix things from our relationship and she even asked to meet in person. I feel mentally so tired i dont know what to do i love my gf so much but at the same time i havent moved on from my ex and i still feel i have feelings for her or maybe i just miss the memories we had? She was my first love. I dont know what to do i feel like i dont deserve both of them.

TL;DR: Dated my ex for 2.5 years, broke up due to busy lives. Started dating someone new, but realized I haven’t moved on from my ex. Told current girlfriend I need time alone to get over my ex. Current girlfriend wants to wait for me. Ex reached out, wants to reconcile. Feeling mentally exhausted and torn between the two; unsure about my feelings and what to do next.

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