I know this chick that’s always asking me to tell/text others stuff for her when we are both right there/we both have their number. What’s the not rude way of saying no, do it yourself.

  1. It would help to know a little more. Are you part of the same friend group, club, school class, coworkers, etc.?

    Unless she is your boss or in charge somehow I don’t see why she is doing this.

    Could she have dyslexia or a vision problem you are not aware of or some sort of physical problem? Is she busy doing something else important to you or the group when she does this?

    You could possibly say…I’ll let you do it…or…you can do it.. without sounding angry or sarcastic.

    Or maybe just say….I can’t…or…why don’t you?

  2. A plain “no” “nah” “not right now” ” I’ll remind you to do it later with a note”

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